Thursday, January 25, 2007

Poem: Closing the Gate

Closing the Gate

I am closing the gate to this garden
Where dreams were sown in good soil and bad.
Whether watchfully tended or foolishly ignored,
Smothered or left thirsty --
In the end, they scattered the same message
Which only now this gardener is willing to hear.

I planted one tree that thrives and grows strong
In spite of a cruel early spring storm;
And another that someone had neglected
I transplanted here and nurtured back to health.
If they are the only success from this garden,
Will that be enough to forgive all my other failures?

I spent most of my life and all of my heart here,
Chasing the dreamworld perfumes promised,
The passion that beckoned in lush blooms,
The devotion pledged by reliable seasons,
The joy of blossoms flouting oncoming frost.

Here, one time and late in my life,
I fell in love, and worshipped that harvest’s moon.
When it waned and there was no union
My heart that once wound easily around
Both smooth and thorny branches
Lost its resiliency and now knows
It will not spring back if bent down by another storm.

So I am closing the gate to this garden.
The seeds of dreams sown here will
Find their way to other beds and blossom there,
Perhaps tended by a gardener
Who listens
And finds her beloved under a different harvest moon.

--meganthemegan 1/25/2007

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Poem: Labyrinth


I have taken the narrow path
To the heart of the matter
Hoping for
a revelation,
a radical shift,
a fresh perspective,
a different dream --
Only to find my self there once again

The twists and turns
In this pathway
Have offered up no lessons.

So I have given up on the center.
Today I want to lie down
Along the outer edge,
Curve my body
Along smooth wet stones,
Put my ear against
A frozen jagged rock
And listen for its sound.

-- meganthemegan 1/20/07

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Poem: Story on Canvas

Story on Canvas

If I set my story onto canvas
Which colors would I choose
To tone down the rages,
To brush out the hurts,
To spatter light into the absences?

Or would I paint it from memory:
Unbalanced, too many colors,
Conflicting angles and
Strokes dragged reluctantly
To fill up space?

The artist,
The critic,
The observer –
None of us would know
Which one was counterfeit.

-- meganthemegan 1/14/2007

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Lovey's Circle...

As visits and phone calls are now reserved just for family and caretakers, I’ve created a blog for Lovey’s friends where we can post well wishes for her journey and love and care for each other at

Also, please join us in taking a few moments each day at 10am and 6pm to envision her walking with grace and joy into her new journey – surrounded, of course, by butterflies!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Poem: What Friends Sometimes Wish

What Friends Sometimes Wish

Just a handshake and the cancer would retreat,
Just a touch on the arm and his pain would go away,
Just a hug and she’d be able to get some sleep --
-- We wish our hands could perform some miracles today.

Just a kiss on the forehead and demon screams would stop,
Just an arm around the shoulder to keep the night terrors at bay,
Just a caress on the cheek and the raging fever would drop --
-- We wish our hands could perform some miracles today.

Perhaps our jokes pull you back from sad tomorrows,
Maybe our laughter helps your heart to dance and play,
We hope our smiles send some light into your sorrows,
But we wish our hands could perform some miracles today.

-- meganthemegan 1/7/2007