Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Poem: Forgiveness


I enter the room, an uninvited guest,
Passing by the stares --
Shadows from my past:
The one I used for comfort,
The one who clawed my flesh,
The one I shamed,
The one who wept in my arms,
The one I held too close,
The one I pushed away.

To keep it warm,
I hold my most beautiful alabaster flask
Against my heart.
Unashamed, with soft fingertips,
I will stroke its fragrant oil
Across your forehead.

The thought of that --
Of your loving gaze --
And I collapse to my knees,
Bathing your feet with my tears,
Drying them with my hair,
Kissing them,
Smoothing the warm oil over them --
I cannot stop weeping.

You say this is great love I show;
You tell me to go in peace
And I wonder
How I will carry the pain
Of this much forgiveness.

-- meganthemegan
June 17, 2007
From a meditation on Luke 7:36-50