Remember those nights, Aeons and Aeons ago, when we arranged the black lights so we could see our shadow selves? When you asked me to dress up as a trickster and whisper sweet genderized indefinite articles into your ear while dancing to ‘Chesed – have Chesed, baby’?
It all ended too soon. I remember the morning when your anima got her knickers in a twist, screaming “The next time I find a bunch of your acausal connecting principles all tangled and slimy in the bathroom sink, I’m gonna mess with your mandala SO BAD .” Mana, oh mana, oh mana – were you pissed! (But let’s be honest, you weren’t no Superman yourself, you know.)
And then there was the issue about my "Great" Mother –- she kinda got in the way a lot, didn't she?
But please believe me when I tell you I have cleaned up my idiosynchronicities and I’m ready to commit to the principle of equivalence. All that, plus my animus no longer snores – I mean, what more could a Hero want?
I can sense, I can think, I can feel, I can intuit – but it just ain’t the same without you. Please come back to me! I have potentials for significance and would love to share them and my latest additions to the collective unconscious with you.
-- Your Maiden (aka mtm)
(Dear Dr. Jung -- please -- now maybe I can get some sleep??)
-- this is in or around some alchemical alley under the moon
meganthemegan 1/15/2006
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