What I Need Now from My Friends
Diving in too fast, throwing caution to the wind,
No limits, boundaries blurred
A flurry of fervor after years of caution
and mindfulness imposed by limitations.
If you find yourself caught up in my exuberance,
getting blown away by my whirlwind whimsy,
flung into my flagrant fantasies,
knocked in the head by the stop-signs I’m dismantling,
or otherwise sucked into this joyous vortex -
Offer me a line rope, a parachute, a beacon,
keep the lighthouse lit,
remind me to breathe while singing,
suggest I slow down
(good luck with that!)
Be assured I will come back to center
and keep your heart open to receive
more thanks than I can ever give you.
-meganthemegan October 1, 2013
after really realizing the TauRX Phase 3 trial I am on means
my life is open before me again
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