Friday, March 28, 2008

Assisi Day 3 - Church of San Damiano

I began the day with a walk down a path through olive groves to attend the 7am mass at the church of San Damiano -- the church where the crucifix spoke to Francis, saying "Francis, go and restore my house that is falling into ruins." Francis took that literally at first, sold all his earthly goods (his father was NOT pleased) and used the proceeds to repair the church. In the end, he saved the Church by restoring adherence to Christ's teachings of Love.

It is also the church where the his beloved St. Clare lived and established the order of the Poor Clares.

It is also where Francis, in spite of a severe illness, wrote the Canticle of the Creatures.

I love the San Damiano cross. When I meditate on it, it portrays a very "alive" Jesus, who looks out and says, "Yes, here I am, what are you going to make of your life?"

Following is the prayer Francis wrote for his worship of this cross -- it reminds me of all the prayers and their principles that I have learned elsewhere:

All highest, glorious God,
cast your light into the darkness of my heart.
Give me right faith,
firm hope,
perfect charity
and profound humility,
with wisdom and perception,
O Lord, so that I may do
what is truly your holy will.

(Reciting this prayer as I trudged the STEEP road of happy destiny back into Assisi was very helpful :-))

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