Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter in Siena

A very stormy, cold, wet day here in Siena, and am I ever glad for my Timberland jacket, Rick Steves' indestructible umbrella, and Harley Davidson leather gloves!

I celebrated Easter mass at the Duomo (Piisano's pulpit, Duccio's stained glass rose window, Michelangelo's altar) with the Bishop himself presiding. He was waay cool -- during the solemn entrance down the knave of the packed church, he stopped and played with a baby in a carriage next to the pew a few rows away from mine, and then blessed the very surprised mama and papa. The other priests and deacons looked very surprised as well. And while I understood very little of his homily, I could tell by his demeanor and the smiles and chuckles of those around me that it was all about Love and Joy.

I then spent hours in the Santa Maria della Scala museum, which was once a hospital with frescoes depicting life in a medieval hospital. This museum's crypts have been turned into an archaeological museum with the most gorgeous and well preserved Etruscan pottery and fascinating artifacts (Does anyone know why miniature statues -- 1-2" high -- were so popular with the Etruscans?)

There was also an exhibit of Masaccio, Lippi, Botticelli and other Italian artists on loan from a museum in Germany -- the Uffizi all over again! I was in heaven.

The rain lightened up in the evening, and I got thoroughly lost roaming the streets around the edge of the city, but, thank God for church bells -- I followed them back into the city center.

...Where I bought a pair of Italian shoes that will remind me of Siena.
See photos at

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